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9 posts tagged with "release"

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ResponsiveRow and mobile controls

· 3 min read
Feodor Fitsner
Flet founder and developer

We just released Flet 0.1.65 which is adding a bunch of mobile-optimized controls, fixing some bugs and introducing a new layout control - ResponsiveRow.

ResponsiveRow control

ResponsiveRow borrows the idea of grid layout from Bootstrap web framework.

ResponsiveRow allows aligning child controls to virtual columns. By default, a virtual grid has 12 columns, but that can be customized with ResponsiveRow.columns property.

Similar to expand property every control now has col property which allows specifying how many columns a control should span. For example, to make a layout consisting of two columns spanning 6 virtual columns each:

import flet as ft

ft.Column(col=6, controls=ft.Text("Column 1")),
ft.Column(col=6, controls=ft.Text("Column 2"))

Matplotlib and Plotly charts

· 2 min read
Feodor Fitsner
Flet founder and developer

We are thrilled to introduce Matplotlib and Plotly charting controls in Flet 0.1.63!

Matplotlib and Plotly are the most recognized Python charting libraries with a ton of features. They are greatly compatible with other scientific Python libraries such as Numpy or Pandas.

No doubt, it would be nearly impossible to replicate their functionality as pure Flutter widgets. Fortunately, both Matplotlib and Plotly can export charts into various formats, such as SVG. On the other hand Flet can display SVG images and that gives a perfect combination - Flet charting controls for Matplotlib and Plotly!

The resulting solution works so great that it's possible to display almost any example from Matplotlib and Plotly galleries - your imagination is the only limit!

Plot a simple bar chart:

a nice scatter with legend:

or some multi-chart contour plot:

Check the docs for Matplotlib and Plotly charting controls:

Explore Flet chart examples.

Gesture detector

· 2 min read
Feodor Fitsner
Flet founder and developer

We've just released Flet 0.1.62 with support of gestures processing!

There is a new control - GestureDetector which allows handling all sorts of gestures: single and double taps with a left (primary) and right (secondary) mouse (pointer) buttons, vertical, horizontal and bi-directional drags, zoom (pinch-in and pinch-out) gestures as well as hover events. Now, by wrapping it into GestureDetector, you can make any Flet control "clickable" and "draggable"!

Here is a simple example of an app which allows you to drag containers inside a Stack:

User authentication

· 3 min read
Feodor Fitsner
Flet founder and developer

User authentication in Flet is here! 🎉

Now you can implement user authentication ("Login with X" buttons) in your Flet app using 3rd-party identity providers such as GitHub, Google, Azure, Auth0, LinkedIn and others:

Traditionally, this release is not just about authentication, but it adds a ton of accompanying functionality and small improvements:

File picker and uploads

· 4 min read
Feodor Fitsner
Flet founder and developer

Finally, File picker with uploads has arrived! 🎉

File picker control opens a native OS dialog for selecting files and directories. It's based on a fantastic file_picker Flutter package.

It works on all platforms: Web, macOS, Window, Linux, iOS and Android.

Check out source code of the demo above.

File picker allows opening three dialogs:

  • Pick files - one or multiple, any files or only specific types.
  • Save file - choose directory and file name.
  • Get directory - select directory.