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pyproject.toml support for flet build command

· 5 min read
Feodor Fitsner
Flet founder and developer

The number of options for flet build command grew substantially over the time and it's been inconvenient to carry all these settings in a command line.

Today, we are excited to announce another Flet pre-release which now allows configuring app build settings in pyproject.toml!

Installing pre-release

pip install flet==0.25.0.dev3526

For testing purposes we suggest installing Flet pre-release in a dedicated Python virtual environment.

Building the app with pre-release

To build your app with flet build command and pre-release version of Flet make sure your requirements.txt either contains exact version specifier:


or --pre flag before flet dependency:


Quick start

Create the following minimal pyproject.toml file in the root of your Flet app or run flet create to create a new app from template:

name = "my_app"
version = "1.0.0"
description = "My first Flet project"
authors = [
{name = "John Smith", email = "[email protected]"}
dependencies = ["flet==0.25.0.dev3526"]

With pyproject.toml, you no longer need requirements.txt. However, if a requirements.txt file exists in the app's directory, the flet build command will prioritize reading dependencies from it instead of those listed in pyproject.toml.

[project] is the standard required section of project.toml.


Flet also supports [tool.poetry] section created by Poetry which contains project settings.

A minimal pyproject.toml for Poetry, which is also supported by flet build command, is the following:

name = "my_app"
version = "1.0.0"
description = "My first Flet project"
authors = ["John Smith <[email protected]>"]

python = "^3.10"
flet = "0.25.0.dev3526" (or corresponds to --project option of flet build command and it will be the name of app bundle or executable. The value of will be "slugified" where all non-alphanumeric values are replaced with dashes -.

project.version (or tool.poetry.version) corresponds to --build-version option and it is a value in "x.y.z" string used as the version number shown to users.

project.description (or tool.poetry.description) corresponds to --description option which is the description to use for executable or bundle.


project.authors and tool.poetry.authors are not used by flet build, but required by a standard and other tools.

Overriding config with CLI options

All settings in pyproject.toml have corresponding flet build CLI options. If you run the flet build command and specify options that are already configured in pyproject.toml, the CLI option values will override those from the configuration file.

Project dependencies

List project dependencies in project.dependencies section. The value is an array with pip-like requirement specifiers:

dependencies = [

Product information

All Flet specific settings should be put into [tool.flet] section and sub-sections below it.

Product information settings complement the ones in [project] section and allows configuring app bundle identifier and product display name.

org = "com.mycompany" # --org
product = "Product name" # --product
company = "My Company" # --company
copyright = "Copyright (C) 2024 by MyCompany" # --copyright
build_number = 1 # --build-number

App package contents

The following settings control the contents of Python app archive and compilation of app/packages sources.

app.module = "main" # --module-name
app.path = "src" # path to Python app relative to `pyproject.toml`
app.exclude = ["assets"] # --exclude = false # --compile-app
compile.packages = false # --compile-packages
compile.cleanup = false # --cleanup-on-compile

They could be alternatively written under their own sub-sections as:

module = "main"
path = "src"
exclude = ["assets"]

app = false
packages = false
cleanup = false


color = "" # --splash-color
dark_color = "" # --splash-dark-color
web = false # --no-web-splash
ios = false # --no-ios-splash
android = false # --no-android-splash


permissions = ["camera", "microphone"] # --permissions

Deep linking

scheme = "https" # --deep-linking-scheme
host = "" # --deep-linking-host

Android settings

adaptive_icon_background = "" # --android-adaptive-icon-background
split_per_abi = false # --split-per-abi

Permissions (notice quotes " around key names):

[] # --android-permissions
"android.permission.CAMERA" = true
"android.permission.CAMERA" = true

Features (notice quotes " around key names):

[] # --android-features
"" = false

Android-specific deep-linking:

scheme = "https" # --deep-linking-scheme
host = "" # --deep-linking-host

Android bundle signing options:

# store and key passwords can be passed with `--android-signing-key-store-password`
# and `--android-signing-key-password` options or
# and FLET_ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY_PASSWORD environment variables.
key_store = "path/to/store.jks" # --android-signing-key-store
key_alias = "upload"

iOS settings

team = "team_id" # --team

[] # --info-plist
NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app uses the camera to ..."

scheme = "https"
host = ""

macOS settings

entitlement."" = true
build_arch = "arm64" # --arch - if arch is not specified Flet will build universal package for both arm64 and x86_64 archs

Web settings

base_url = "/" # --base-url
renderer = "canvaskit" # --web-renderer
use_color_emoji = false # --use-color-emoji
route_url_strategy = "path" # --route-url-strategy

Flutter settings


flutter.dependencies = ["flet_video", "flet_audio"] # --include-packages

or with alternative syntax with versions:

flet_video = "1.0.0"
flet_audio = "2.0.0"

or with path to the package on your disk:

path = "/path/to/my_package"

Extra build args

flutter.build_args = ["--some-flutter-arg"] # --flutter-build-args

Extra pubspec.yaml settings

Allows injecting arbitrary content into resulting pubspec.yaml, for example:

web = "1.0.0"

Custom template

path = "gh:some-github/repo" # --template
dir = "" # --template-dir
ref = "" # --template-ref

That's it! Upgrade to Flet 0.25.0.dev3526, give this new feature and try and let us know what you think!
