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Create a new Flet app

Create a new directory (or directory with pyproject.toml already exists if initialized with poetry or uv) and switch into it.

To create a new "minimal" Flet app run the following command:

flet create

The command will create the following directory structure:

├── pyproject.toml
├── src
│   ├── assets
│   │   └── icon.png
│   └──
└── storage
├── data
└── temp
  1. Original pyproject.toml created by uv init or poetry init will be replaced with the one from Flet app template.
  2. In case you encounter the error Error creating the project from a template: 'git' is not installed., it means that you don't have Git installed. Please visit and install the latest version of Git. To verify your installation, type git in the terminal. Please note that Git is not the same as GitHub CLI which is not an alternative for use with Flet.

src/ contains Flet program. It has main() function where you would add UI elements (controls) to a page or a window. The application ends with a blocking function which initializes Flet app and runs main().

You can find more information about flet create command here.

Now let's see Flet in action by running the app!