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Paint properties

A description of the style to use when drawing a shape on the canvas.


Whether to apply anti-aliasing to lines and images drawn on the canvas. Defaults to True.


A blend mode to apply when a shape is drawn or a layer is composited.

Defaults to BlendMode.SRC_OVER.

Property value is BlendMode.


Blur image when drawing it on a canvas.

See Container.blur for more information.


The color to use when stroking or filling a shape. Defaults to opaque black.


Configures gradient paint. The value is an instance of one of the following classes:

  • PaintLinearGradient
  • PaintRadialGradient
  • PaintSweepGradient


(0, 10), (0, 100), colors=[ft.colors.BLUE, ft.colors.YELLOW]

PaintLinearGradient class has the following properties:

  • begin - An instance of Offset class. The offset at which stop 0.0 of the gradient is placed.
  • end - An instance of Offset class. The offset at which stop 1.0 of the gradient is placed.
  • colors - The colors the gradient should obtain at each of the stops. If stops is non-null, this list must have the same length as stops. This list must have at least two colors in it (otherwise, it's not a gradient!).
  • stops - A list of values from 0.0 to 1.0 that denote fractions along the gradient. If non-null, this list must have the same length as colors. If the first value is not 0.0, then a stop with position 0.0 and a color equal to the first color in colors is implied. If the last value is not 1.0, then a stop with position 1.0 and a color equal to the last color in colors is implied.
  • tile_mode - How this gradient should tile the plane beyond in the region before begin and after end. The value is GradientTileMode enum with supported values: CLAMP (default), DECAL, MIRROR, REPEATED. More info here.
  • rotation - rotation for the gradient, in radians, around the center-point of its bounding box.

More information:


(60, 170), 50, colors=[ft.colors.YELLOW, ft.colors.BLUE]

PaintRadialGradient class has the following properties:

  • center - An instance of Offset class. The center of the gradient.
  • radius - The radius of the gradient.
  • colors, stops, tile_mode, rotation - see Linear gradient for description of these properties.
  • focal - The focal point of the gradient. If specified, the gradient will appear to be focused along the vector from center to focal.
  • focal_radius - The radius of the focal point of gradient, as a fraction of the shortest side of the paint box. For example, if a radial gradient is painted on a box that is 100.0 pixels wide and 200.0 pixels tall, then a radius of 1.0 will place the 1.0 stop at 100.0 pixels from the focal point.

More information:


cv.Path.MoveTo(60, 230),
cv.Path.LineTo(110, 330),
cv.Path.LineTo(10, 330),
(60, 280),
colors=[ft.colors.YELLOW, ft.colors.BLUE],
end_angle=math.pi * 2,

PaintSweepGradient class has the following properties:

  • center - The center of the gradient.
  • colors, stops, tile_mode, rotation - see Linear gradient for description of these properties.
  • start_angle - The angle in radians at which stop 0.0 of the gradient is placed. Defaults to 0.0.
  • end_angle - The angle in radians at which stop 1.0 of the gradient is placed. Defaults to math.pi * 2.
  • rotation - gradient rotation in radians.

More information:


The kind of finish to place on the end of lines drawn when style is set to PaintingStyle.STROKE.

The value is an instance of ft.StrokeCap enum:

  • BUTT (default) - Begin and end contours with a flat edge and no extension.
  • ROUND - Begin and end contours with a semi-circle extension.
  • SQUARE - Begin and end contours with a half square extension. This is similar to extending each contour by half the stroke width (as given by Paint.stroke_width).


The kind of finish to place on the joins between segments.

This applies to paths drawn when style is set to PaintingStyle.STROKE, It does not apply to points drawn as lines with canvas.Points.

Defaults to StrokeJoin.MITER, i.e. sharp corners.

The value is an instance of ft.StrokeJoin enum:

  • MITER (default) - Joins between line segments form sharp corners.
  • ROUND - Joins between line segments are semi-circular.
  • BEVEL - Joins between line segments connect the corners of the butt ends of the line segments to give a beveled appearance.

See StrokeJoin enum in Flutter documentation for more details.


The limit for miters to be drawn on segments when the join is set to StrokeJoin.MITER and the style is set to PaintingStyle.STROKE. If this limit is exceeded, then a StrokeJoin.BEVEL join will be drawn instead. This may cause some 'popping' of the corners of a path if the angle between line segments is animated, as seen in the diagrams below.

This limit is expressed as a limit on the length of the miter.

Defaults to 4.0. Using zero as a limit will cause a StrokeJoin.BEVEL join to be used all the time.


How wide to make edges drawn when style is set to PaintingStyle.STROKE. The width is given in logical pixels measured in the direction orthogonal to the direction of the path.

Defaults to 0.0, which correspond to a hairline width.


A circular array of dash offsets and lengths.

For example, the array [5, 10] would result in dashes 5 pixels long followed by blank spaces 10 pixels long. The array [5, 10, 5] would result in a 5 pixel dash, a 10 pixel gap, a 5 pixel dash, a 5 pixel gap, a 10 pixel dash, etc.


Whether to paint inside shapes, the edges of shapes, or both.

The value is an instance of ft.PaintingStyle enum:

  • FILL (default) - Apply the Paint to the inside of the shape. For example, when applied to the canvas.Circle shape, this results in a disc of the given size being painted.
  • STROKE - Apply the Paint to the edge of the shape. For example, when applied to the canvas.Circle shape, this results is a hoop of the given size being painted. The line drawn on the edge will be the width given by the Paint.stroke_width property.