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This command is used to publish a Flet application as a standalone static web app using Pyodide. You can find it's guide here.

usage: flet publish [-h] [-v] [--pre] [-a ASSETS_DIR] [--distpath DISTPATH] [--app-name APP_NAME] [--app-short-name APP_SHORT_NAME] [--app-description APP_DESCRIPTION] [--base-url BASE_URL]
[--web-renderer {canvaskit,html}] [--use-color-emoji] [--route-url-strategy {path,hash}]

Publish Flet app as a standalone web app.

positional arguments:
script path to a Python script

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose -v for detailed output and -vv for more detailed
--pre allow micropip to install pre-release Python packages
path to an assets directory
--distpath DISTPATH where to put the published app (default: ./dist)
--app-name APP_NAME application name
--app-short-name APP_SHORT_NAME
application short name
--app-description APP_DESCRIPTION
application description
--base-url BASE_URL base URL for the app
--web-renderer {canvaskit,html}
web renderer to use
--use-color-emoji enables color emojis with CanvasKit renderer
--route-url-strategy {path,hash}
URL routing strategy