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This command is used to package a Flet application as a desktop bundle. You can find it's guide here.

usage: flet pack [-h] [-v] [-i ICON] [-n NAME] [-D] [--distpath DISTPATH] [--add-data [ADD_DATA ...]] [--add-binary [ADD_BINARY ...]] [--hidden-import [HIDDEN_IMPORT ...]] [--product-name PRODUCT_NAME]
[--file-description FILE_DESCRIPTION] [--product-version PRODUCT_VERSION] [--file-version FILE_VERSION] [--company-name COMPANY_NAME] [--copyright COPYRIGHT] [--codesign-identity CODESIGN_IDENTITY]
[--bundle-id BUNDLE_ID] [--debug-console DEBUG_CONSOLE] [--uac-admin] [-y]

Package Flet app to a standalone bundle.

positional arguments:
script path to a Python script

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose -v for detailed output and -vv for more detailed
-i ICON, --icon ICON path to an icon file (.ico, .png, .icns)
-n NAME, --name NAME name for the generated executable (Windows) or app bundle (macOS)
-D, --onedir create a one-folder bundle containing an executable (Windows)
--distpath DISTPATH where to put the bundled app (default: ./dist)
--add-data [ADD_DATA ...]
additional non-binary files or folders to be added to the executable
--add-binary [ADD_BINARY ...]
additional binary files to be added to the executable
--hidden-import [HIDDEN_IMPORT ...]
add an import not visible in the code of the script(s)
--product-name PRODUCT_NAME
executable product name (Windows) or bundle name (macOS)
--file-description FILE_DESCRIPTION
executable file description (Windows)
--product-version PRODUCT_VERSION
executable product version (Windows) or bundle version (macOS)
--file-version FILE_VERSION
executable file version, n.n.n.n (Windows)
--company-name COMPANY_NAME
executable company name (Windows)
--copyright COPYRIGHT
executable (Windows) or bundle (macOS) copyright
--codesign-identity CODESIGN_IDENTITY
Code signing identity (macOS)
--bundle-id BUNDLE_ID
bundle identifier (macOS)
--debug-console DEBUG_CONSOLE
Show python console (Ensure correct DEBUG level)
--uac-admin Using this option creates a Manifest that will request elevation upon application start.(Windows)
-y, --yes Non-interactive mode.