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Packaging app for macOS

Flet CLI provides flet build macos command that allows packaging Flet app into a macOS application bundle.


The command can be run on macOS only.


Rosetta 2

Flutter requires Rosetta 2 on Apple silicon:

sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license


Xcode 15 or later to compile native Swift or ObjectiveC code.


CocoaPods 1.16 to compile and enable Flutter plugins.

flet build macos

Creates a macOS application bundle from your Flet app.

Bundle architecture

By default, flet build macos command builds universal app bundle that works on both Apple Silicon and older Intel processors. Therefore, packaging utility will try to download Python binary wheels for both arm64 and x86_64 platforms. Recent releases of some popular packages do not include x86_64 wheels anymore, so the entire packaging operation will fail.

You can limit the build command to a specific architecture only, by using --arch option. For example, to build macOS app bundle that works on Apple Silicon only use the following command:

flet build macos --arch arm64

The same can be configured in pyproject.toml:

build_arch = "arm64"


Setting macOS entitlements which are written and .entitlements files:

flet build --macos-entitlements name_1=True|False name_2=True|False ...

Default macOS entitlements:

  • = False
  • = True
  • = True
  •" = True

Configuring macOS app entitlements in pyproject.toml (notice " around entitlement name):

entitlement."" = true