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Packaging app for Android


Flet CLI provides flet build apk and flet build aab commands that allow packaging Flet app into Android APK and Android App Bundle (AAB) respectively.


Android SDK

Java (JDK) and Android SDK will be automatically installed on the first run of flet build command.

JDK is installed into $HOME/java/{version} directory.

If you have Android Studio installed Flet CLI will locate and use Android SDK coming with the studio; otherwise Android SDK will be installed to $HOME/Android/sdk directory.

Android wheels for binary Python packages

Binary Python packages (vs "pure" Python packages written in Python only) are packages that partially written in C, Rust or other languages producing native code. Example packages are numpy, cryptography, or pydantic-core.

Make sure all non-pure (binary) packages used in your Flet app have pre-built wheels for Android.

flet build apk

Build an Android APK file from your app.

This command builds release version. 'release' builds don't support debugging and are suitable for deploying to app stores. If you are deploying the app to the Play Store, it's recommended to use Android App Bundles (AAB) or split the APK to reduce the APK size.

Building platform-specific APKs

By default, Flet builds "fat" APK which includes binaries for both arm64-v8a and armeabi-v7a architectures.

You can configure Flet to split fat APK into smaller APKs for each platformby using --split-per-abi option or by setting split_per_abi in pyproject.toml:

split_per_abi = true

Installing APK to a device

The easiest way to install APK to your device is to use adb (Android Debug Bridge) tool.

adb is a part of Android SDK. For example, on macOS, if Android SDK was installed with Android Studio the location of adb tool will be at ~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb.

Check this article for more information about installing and using adb tool on various platforms.

To install APK to a device run the following command:

adb install <path-to-your.apk>

If more than one device is connected to your computer (say, emulator and a physical phone) you can use -s option to specify which device you want to install .apk on:

adb -s <device> install <path-to-your.apk>

where <device> can be found with adb devices command.

flet build aab

Build an Android App Bundle (AAB) file from your app.

This command builds release version. 'release' builds don't support debugging and are suitable for deploying to app stores. App bundle is the recommended way to publish to the Play Store as it improves your app size.

Signing Android bundle


# store and key passwords can be passed with `--android-signing-key-store-password`
# and `--android-signing-key-password` options or
# and FLET_ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY_PASSWORD environment variables.
key_store = "path/to/store.jks" # --android-signing-key-store
key_alias = "upload"

Splash screen

By default, generated Android app will be showing a splash screen with an image from assets directory (see below) or Flet logo. You can disable splash screen for Android app with --no-android-splash option.

Configuring splash in pyproject.toml:

android = false


Configuring Android permissions and features to be written into AndroidManifest.xml:

flet build --android-permissions permission=True|False ... --android-features feature_name=True|False

For example:

flet build \
--android-permissions android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE=True \
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE=True \

Default Android permissions:

  • android.permission.INTERNET

Default permissions can be disabled with --android-permissions option and False value, for example:

flet build --android-permissions android.permission.INTERNET=False

Default Android features:

  • (False means it's written in manifest as android:required="false")
  • android.hardware.touchscreen=False

Configuring permissions and features in pyproject.toml (notice quotes " around key names):

[] # --android-permissions
"android.permission.CAMERA" = true
"android.permission.CAMERA" = true

[] # --android-features
"" = false


Configuring Android app meta-data to be written into AndroidManifest.xml:

flet build --android-meta-data name_1=value_1 name_2=value_2 ...

Default Android meta-data:


Configuring meta-data in pyproject.toml (notice quotes " around key names):

"" = "ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~yyyyyyyyyy"

Deep linking

You can configure deep-linking settings for Android app with the following flet build options:

  • --deep-linking-scheme - deep linking URL scheme to configure for Android builds, i.g. "https" or "myapp".
  • --deep-linking-host - deep linking URL host.

The same can be configured in pyproject.toml:

scheme = "https"
host = ""

See Deep linking section in Flutter docs for more information and complete setup guide.

Troubleshooting Android

To run interactive commands inside simulator or device:

adb shell

To overcome "permissions denied" error while trying to browse file system in interactive Android shell:


To download a file from a device to your local computer:

adb pull <device-path> <local-path>