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Publishing Flet app to web

Flet allows publishing your app as a static or dynamic website.

Static website - content is not changing and delivered exactly as it's stored. Python code is running in the web browser.

Dynamic website - content is dynamically generated for each user. Python code is running on the server.

Here is a table comparing Flet app running as a static vs dynamic website:

Static websiteDynamic website
Loading time⬇️ Slower - Python runtime (Pyodide) along with app's Python code and all its dependencies must be loaded into the browser. Pyodide initialization takes time too.✅ Faster - the app stays and runs on the server.
Python compatibility⬇️ Not every program that works with native Python can be run with Pyodide✅ Any Python package can be used.
Responsivness✅ Zero latency between user-generated events (clicks, text field changes, drags) and page updates.⬇️ Non-zero latency - user-generated events are communicated to a server via WebSockets. UI updates are communicated back.
Performance⬇️ Slower - Pyodide is currently 3x-5x slower than native Python because of WASM✅ Faster - the code is running on the server by native Python.
Code protection⬇️ Low - app's code is loaded into a web browser and can be inspected by a user.✅ High - the app is running on the server.
Hosting✅ Cheap/Free - no code is running on the server and thus the app can be hosted anywhere: GitHub Pages, Cloudflare Pages, Replit, Vercel, a shared hosting or your own VPS.⬇️ Paid - the app requires Python code to run on the server and communicate with a web browser via WebSockets.