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Defines padding for all sides of a rectangle.

Padding class has the following properties:


The padding value for the left side of the rectangle.


The padding value for the top side of the rectangle.

The padding value for the right side of the rectangle.


The padding value for the bottom side of the rectangle.

Helper methods

Padding can be created via constructor with values for specific sides or created with helper methods:

padding.all(value: float)

Applies the same padding to all sides.

padding.symmetric(vertical, horizontal)

Applies vertical padding to top and bottom sides and horizontal padding to left and right sides.

padding.only(left, top, right, bottom)

Applies padding to the specified sides.

Usage example

container_1.padding = ft.padding.all(10)
container_2.padding = 20 # same as ft.padding.all(20)
container_3.padding = ft.padding.symmetric(horizontal=10)