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Flet 1.0

Flet 1.0 launch checklist:

  • Packaging works smoothly for all platforms.
  • API is clean and stable.
  • Documentation is complete and up-to-date.
  • Website landing page is updated.


  • Packaging for all platforms with a single flet build command: Windows, Linux, macOS, web, iOS and Android.
  • Python packaging tool for iOS and Android (Mobile Forge).
  • New Python runtimes for iOS and Android that don't depend on Kivy.
  • 🚧 Make flet Python package with dependencies installable on any platform and remove flet-embed, flet-pyodide, flet-runtime (issue).
  • PyPI proxy service to "inject" mobile packages while installing project dependencies with pip.
  • Update flet build command to use new runtime and PyPI proxy.
  • Non-pure Python packages for iOS and Android, with CI and hosting:
    • 🚧 pydantic-core
    • 🚧 cryptography
    • 🚧 bcrypt
    • numpy
    • opencv-python
    • pillow
    • pandas
    • protobuf
    • pycparser
    • more


  • Adaptive UI - adaptive controls that change their look depending on the platform the app runs.
  • 🚧 Integrating 3rd-party Flutter packages to user apps.
  • Responsive UI - layouts that adapt to a device screen size.
  • Refresh tutorials.


  • Test suite for Flet controls.
  • Test suite for non-pure Python modules.





  • Flet Packaging and Deployment Service aka Flet CI.