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Flet Charts

· 2 min read
Feodor Fitsner
Flet founder and developer

Last year we introduced support for Matplotlib and Plotly charts. Both libraries are able to export charts as SVG images which are then displayed in a Flet app. However, such charts, while serving the purpose of visualization, are lacking interactivity and animation.

Today we are releasing Flet 0.5.2 with built-in charts 📊 based on the awesome fl_chart library!

Three new chart controls have been introduced:


Docs · Examples


Docs · Examples


Docs · Examples


We spent a lot of time studying fl_chart library while trying to implement most of its features in a Flet way. However, if you see anything missing in Flet, but available in a library please submit a new feature request.

Other changes

Pyodide 0.23

Pyodide, which provides Python runtime in a browser and is used to run Flet app as a static website, was upgraded to version 0.23 which is based on Python 3.11.2 and giving some size and performance improvements.

Memory leak fixes

In this release we paid a lot of attention to memory leak issues in Flet apps. Now, when a user session is closed its memory is reliably released and garbage-collected. That makes Flet ready for production applications with a lot of users.

Upgrade Flet module to the latest version (pip install flet --upgrade), give charts a try and let us know what you think!

Hey, Flet project has reached ⭐️ 5K stars ⭐️ - thank you all for your continuing support!